Sale Quick view Remove from Compare Compare Items Shimpo Aspire (Foot Pedal) $755.00 $699.00 (Inc. Tax) $755.00 $699.00 (Ex. Tax) Shimpo
Quick view Remove from Compare Compare Items Shimpo Hand Extruder 8 Hollow Die Set $54.00 (Inc. Tax) $54.00 (Ex. Tax) Shimpo
Sale Quick view Remove from Compare Compare Items Shimpo Hand Extruder w/6 Die Set $76.00 $66.15 (Inc. Tax) $76.00 $66.15 (Ex. Tax) Shimpo
Sale Out of stock Quick view Remove from Compare Compare Items VL-Lite Shimpo Potter's Wheel $1,060.00 $900.00 (Inc. Tax) $1,060.00 $900.00 (Ex. Tax) Shimpo
Sale Out of stock Quick view Remove from Compare Compare Items Shimpo Stool With Adjustable Legs $89.00 $84.79 (Inc. Tax) $89.00 $84.79 (Ex. Tax) Shimpo
Out of stock Quick view Remove from Compare Compare Items Shimpo Two-Piece White Splash Pan $69.00 (Inc. Tax) $69.00 (Ex. Tax) Shimpo
Sale Quick view Remove from Compare Compare Items VL Whisper Potter's Wheel $1,900.00 $1,564.00 (Inc. Tax) $1,900.00 $1,564.00 (Ex. Tax) Shimpo
Sale Quick view Remove from Compare Compare Items Shimpo Banding Wheel, 7"x2" BW-18LC $73.00 $68.25 (Inc. Tax) $73.00 $68.25 (Ex. Tax) Shimpo
Sale Quick view Remove from Compare Compare Items Shimpo Banding Wheel, 12"x5" BW-30MC $158.00 $144.90 (Inc. Tax) $158.00 $144.90 (Ex. Tax) Shimpo
Quick view Remove from Compare Compare Items Shimpo Banding Wheel, 10"x2" BW-25LC $120.00 (Inc. Tax) $120.00 (Ex. Tax) Shimpo
Sale Quick view Remove from Compare Compare Items Shimpo Banding Wheel, 10"x7" BW-25HC $135.00 $123.67 (Inc. Tax) $135.00 $123.67 (Ex. Tax) Shimpo
Sale Quick view Remove from Compare Compare Items Shimpo Banding Wheel, 9"x2" BW-22LC $89.00 $78.75 (Inc. Tax) $89.00 $78.75 (Ex. Tax) Shimpo